Thursday, March 15, 2018

軒外之音 | 考艾旅遊 Khao Yai Travel | 泰國世外桃源有小歐洲之稱的 🏝考艾 Khao Yai | 考艾葡萄酒莊: PB Valley Khaoyai Winery

葡萄園谷位於泰國考艾地區,是泰國最受歡迎的葡萄園之一,也是在考艾行程裏旅遊目的地的其中一項參觀地。來到 PB Valley 這裏,除了有提供了參觀葡萄園和釀酒廠的Tour,還可以看到很多漂亮景點和風景,也是個讓你非常放松的旅程。

PB Valley  這裏的酒莊參觀時間有分於早上 9.00am、10.30am、12.00pm、1.30pm 和 3.30pm。建議提早一天和導遊計劃行程,就不會浪費時間。參觀完後還可以來裏面的小餐廳喝茶或購買手信。有新鮮葡萄、葡萄果醬、葡萄汁、葡萄餅等等因有盡有。

票價:大人 THB 320 / 小孩 THB 250 (Children aged 4-20)

葡萄園的導遊會帶遊客參觀葡萄酒廠,包括在品酒和教育中心品酒。而這三個地方包括:PB Khao Yai Reserve Chenin Blanc / PB Khao Yai Rose 和 PB Khao Yai Reserve Shiraz。

這參觀1天只有5此,而每次是從早上 9.00am / 10.30am / 12.00pm / 1.30pm 和 3.30pm。而每一次團走的時間是大約 75mins 分鐘。

票價:大人 THB 320 / 小孩 THB 250 (Children aged 4-20)




票價也包括了可以品嘗3杯酒。走完了整個葡萄園就酒莊,導遊就會帶我們到品酒會 | Wine Tasting。裏頭有三種葡萄酒供大家品嘗,其中包括: PB Khao Yai Reserve Rose、PB Khao Yai Reserve Chenin Blanc、和 PB Khao Yai Reserve Shiraz。

Winery Profile

Present production is 120,000 to 150,00 bottles
Full capacity is 600,000 bottles per year
Soil conditions: loam, clay loam
Average yearly temperature: 15-28° C
Elevation: 320 to 360 meters
Vines: originated from France, Spain, Italy and Germany
Grapes: Shiraz, Tempranillo, Chenin Blanc, Colombard, Cabernet Sauvignon, Dornfelder, Merlot and Durif
Harvest is once per year from end of January to about middle of March

All wines at PB Valley Khao Yai Winery are grown within the estate and are aged in stainless Steel Tanks, large Oak Vats as well in French Oak Barrels (Barrique)
up to 21 months

Since the year 2006 wines of PB Valley Khao Yai Winery have been awarded many
Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals as well Certificates of Approval and other local and
international recognition from the various prestigious organizations like

The Austrian Wine Challenge (AWC) Vienna – The largest yearly blind wine tasting in the world
The Decanter Magazine UK
The Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition
APEC Australia
The Thai Wine Challenge

紅葡萄,比如:Shiraz, Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon 和白葡萄酒,如:Chenin Blanc and Colombard 是在莊園的主要品種,其僅在陰涼,乾燥的季節這樣的修剪是在十月的月月底開始每年增長一次。並在1月底至3月中旬左右收穫約150至160天。但是新鮮的鮮食葡萄,無籽栗色是從澳大利亞正在成長常年在莊園的一個保護區,葡萄園的導遊將會帶領各個遊客到該地區參觀並畫上一個完美的畫面。切記,在葡萄園裏採葡萄是不允許的。



PB Valley 這裏很有大自然氣息,更有寬大的葡萄園和葡萄酒廠讓我們參觀。說真,參觀完後,也漲知識!喜歡葡萄紅酒或白酒的你,一定不能錯過!

地方:考艾葡萄酒莊 PB Valley Khao Yai Winery
地址:102 Moo 5, Phaya Yen, Pak Chong Nakorn Ratchasima 30320 / Thailand

聯絡電話:+66 81 733 8783 / +66 85 481 1741

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